FAQs: General Questions
What is an ISBN?
The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a 13-digit number that uniquely identifies books and book-like products published internationally.
What is the purpose of an ISBN?
The purpose of the ISBN is to establish and identify one title or edition of a title from one specific publisher and is unique to that edition, allowing for more efficient marketing of products by booksellers, libraries, universities, wholesalers and distributors.
Who is eligible for an ISBN?
The ISBN Agency assigns ISBNs at the direct request of publishers, e-book publishers, audio cassette and video producers, software producers and museums and associations with publishing programs.
How long does it take to get an ISBN?
Allow 5 business days for non-priority processing from the time an ISBN application is received at the agency (not from the date sent by the publisher.) Priority processing is two business days from the time an application is received at the agency. Express processing is 24 business hours.
How much does it cost to get an ISBN?
There is a service fee to process all ISBN applications. Service fee information is contained on the application. Priority and Express processing involve an additional fee.
What is the format of the new ISBN-13?
Every ISBN will consist of thirteen digits in 2007. The thirteen digit number is divided into five parts of variable length, each part separated by a hyphen.
Where does an ISBN get placed on a book?
An ISBN gets placed on the copyright page and, if there is no bar code, on the back cover.
What is the difference between a bar code and an ISBN?
An ISBN is a number. A bar code is the graphic with vertical lines that encodes numerical information for scanning purposes. An ISBN and a bar code are two different things.
Does it matter where a book is printed?
No, books can be printed anywhere. ISBNs are assigned based on the geographical location of the publisher, not the printing company.
Are different ISBNs used if a book appears in different languages?
Yes. Each language version is a different product.
The ISBN: 9-781630-750381 assigned to “Noor Al-Bayan” is FAKE.
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